Scholarship Information
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #1 2024-25
Morehead-Cain Scholars at UNC Chapel Hill- Criteria: Leadership, Scholarship (top 10% of senior class), Character, and Physical Vigor. Amt: full tuition, room and board, laptop computer, summer enrichment programs, and the opportunity to study abroad. Application opened Aug 15 and the deadline is October 1. Our HHS School nominees were selected last spring. However, students can self-nominate and apply directly for the Morehead-Cain, see Ms. McKenzie/Mr. Kealy if interested and have questions. more information Application Checklist
Park Scholarships at North Carolina State University- The HHS Scholarship Committee can choose two outstanding seniors as Park Scholarship nominees. Criteria: Scholarship (top 10% of senior class), Leadership, Service, and Character. Amt.: $98,000, along with funding for academic enrichment activities. Interested students please fill in this form by Friday, August 30th, 2024. The selected nominees will be notified by Friday September 6th. Completed Park Applications are due by Nov. 1, 2024 along with a completed NC State application. Students can also self nominate for the Park scholarship. more information
The John Montgomery Belk Scholarship at Davidson College – Amt.: full tuition room and board (54,000 per year). Students also receive up to 3,000 dollars to pursue international studies during the summer. Criteria: honors student who has demonstrated intellectual and personal success with significant leadership experience. HHS may nominate two students to apply for this scholarship. Interested students please complete this form by Sep. 6, 2024 (HHS must notify Davidson of our school’s nominee by Nov. 1, applicants have until November 15th to complete the application). more information
UNC Charlotte Levine Scholars – Amt.: four years of full tuition, room and board, a laptop computer, and an $8,000 grant to implement a service project of the student’s own design. Criteria: unweighted GPA of 3.8-4.0, score 1300-1600 on the combined sections of the SAT or 29-36 composite score on the ACT, and demonstrate a commitment to community service. To be considered for a Levine Scholarship, you must be nominated by your school. All interested students please complete this form by September 20th, 2024. Candidates for the Levine Scholarship must submit their UNC Charlotte undergraduate application by Nov. 1st and then have until Nov. 15th to complete the levine scholarship application. Detailed information about the Levine Scholars Program can be found at more information
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #2 2024-25
The Gates Scholarship - Amt.: Will cover the full cost of school that remains after Federal and State money is awarded. Criteria: Must be African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American and must have a minimum weighted gpa of 3.3. Students must be Pell eligible (this is determined by your FAFSA, in general this will be students who qualify for Free Lunch). Because you will not be able to submit your FAFSA until after the deadline for this opportunity, it is fine to base your Pell eligibility on being eligible for Free Lunch in the past. The deadline for this scholarship is September 15, 2024 and it is available at Gates Foundation Please speak to Ms. McKenzie or Mr. Kealy if you have questions.
Jack Kent Cook Foundation - Amt.: determined on an individual basis so it varies but can be as much as $40,000 annually. Criteria: exceptional academic ability (minimum unweighted gpa of 3.5), unmet financial need, leadership, service to others and persistence. Application is available at deadline November 14, 2024.
The N.C. Teaching Fellows Program - will provide scholarships to about 160 future teachers each year. Students in the program will receive up to $8,250 per year in forgivable loans if they commit to teach in a STEM or a special education area. Teachers have 10 years to pay back the loan, either through cash or loan forgiveness. Recipients have to serve a year in a low-performing school or two years in another public school in NC for each year they received the loan for the loan forgiveness program. Criteria: must be planning to enroll in education program at Elon, Fayetteville State, Meredith College, NC A&T, NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, or UNC Pembroke. Minimum unweighted gpa of 3.0 and applicants are strongly encouraged to submit either an ACT or SAT test score (previous requirement had been 24 on ACT or 1100 on SAT). Applications will be available at NC Teaching Fellows starting in early September, 2024. There is not a due date on the website but in the past applications were due by early January.
Golden Door Scholarship - Amount: varies. Criteria: for undocumented students who are academically talented, involved in community service and driven to excel. Application is available online at Golden Door The application deadline is October 1, 2024.
United Negro College Fund (UNCF) - UNCF manages various scholarship programs and each program has its own eligibility criteria, open/close dates and required documentation. To apply for a UNCF scholarship, visit UNCF Applications are open now.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #3 2024-25
UNC Asheville Honors Program - Amt.: varies. Criteria: unweighted 4.0, SAT of 1260 (critical reading/math only) or ACT composite of 28, demonstrated public service through high school.
If interested in this program apply to UNCA by the early action deadline of Nov 1, 2024 and qualified candidates will be sent follow up information. More information can be found at UNCA Honors Program Additional information regarding financial aid at UNC Asheville can be found Here
East Carolina Scholars - Amt. $64,000 over four years. Criteria: Unweighted gpa of 3.7 or higher, weighted gpa of 4.0 or higher, testing scores are not required for applicants this year. This opportunity is by invitation only, students must first apply to ECU by their priority deadline of Oct 15, 2024. For more information you can visit ECU Scholars
NC Central Cheatham-White Scholarship - Amt.: full cost of tuition plus room and board, estimated value is $84,000 over four years. Criteria: weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher, competitive applicants usually have minimum testing scores of 1280 on the SAT or a 28 on ACT and can demonstrate significant involvement in extra curricular activities. To begin the process a student must be nominated by their high school. Any interested student please complete this form by October 15, 2024. A nominated student will have until December 1 to submit the application. For more information visit NC Central
Berea College – admission to Berea College includes a full tuition scholarship. Criteria: Berea is committed to assisting motivated students from Appalachia who have limited economic resources, majority of accepted students come from families earning between $12,000 - $45,000 dollars annually. For more information visit or call 1 800 326 5948. This is a great opportunity for all academically qualified students, including undocumented students.
Goodnight Scholars Program at NC State - Amt.: $23,000 per year for four years. Criteria: Submit a NC State admissions application by November 1, family income must be less than $120,000, be a NC resident, select a STEM major, and demonstrate a history of exceptional academic performance. NC State will invite 1.200 NC residents to apply to the Goodnight Scholars Program based on their applications. After November 1, students can also self nominate for the Goodnight Scholars Program through the program website.
Ron Brown Scholar Program – Amt.: $10,000 per year for four years. Criteria: the Ron Brown Scholarship is a national program that awards scholarships to academically talented, highly motivated African American high school seniors who intend to pursue an undergraduate degree full-time. The application deadline is December 1, 2024. Applications are available at
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #4 2024-25
Centre College First Generation Guarantee - Amt.: tuition and up to full cost of attendance depending on financial need. If you are the first student in your family to attend college, this applies to you! There is no application fee to apply to Centre Also learn more about there cost of attendance here and first generation scholarship here
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship- Amt: 2 first place awards of $50,000, 2 second place awards of $40,000, 2 third place awards of $30,000, 14 $20,000, and 480 runner-up awards of $4,000. There were winners from Henderson County last year. Criteria: scholarship (ACT/SAT scores and transcript), leadership (employment, community service, honors/awards, activities), financial need (parent tax returns), essay to write of 500 words or less and one letter of recommendation. Application due date is November 12, 2024 and available at Elks National Foundation
UNC Wilmington Scholarships - Amt.: varies. Criteria: competitive applicant to UNC Wilmington. At UNC Wilmington they use your application material to determine merit awards, however they do have a scholarship application form they require interested students to complete. It will be available at UNCW Scholarships starting Dec.1.
Robertson Scholars Program at UNC Chapel Hill & Duke University – each year the Robertson Scholars program selects thirty-six new scholars, 18 who attend UNC Chapel Hill and 18 who attend Duke University. This MERIT based program provides not only generous financial benefits but also a comprehensive summer enrichment program, mentoring, special courses, and unique access to the resources of its two partner universities. Robertson Scholars Program seeks students who have demonstrated their passion and potential to become great leaders in college and beyond. The application due date is November 15, 2024. More information and access to the online application is available here
ROTC Scholarships - ROTC scholarships are available for the Army, Navy and Air Force more information on the criteria and application steps is available Here The Marine Core also has financial assistance opportunities for school, this information is available Here
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #5 2024-25
The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC): this foundation is in Buncombe County. CFWNC offers numerous scholarships; HHS students are eligible for six of them. This link will take you to the CFWNC scholarship directory. You have to click on the scholarship link in the above scholarship directory and then access the “to Apply” button. Then applications are completed through Smarter Select after students create a login to access them here. Deadlines vary, but the most common deadline date is January 22, 2025. CFWNC will also require a FAFSA report before any awards are sent out, this information can be sent in up to a month after the student application deadline.
The six opportunities are:
Nathaniel Ellis Cannady Jr. Scholarship: Amt.: $7,500 renewable for a total of $30,000. Criteria: Applicants must be planning to study engineering, construction, project management or information technology, academic performance (minimum 3.0 GPA), and preference is given to applicants with financial need. Deadline Jan. 22, 2025.
Harry W. Clarke Memorial Scholarship Program: Amt: $2,000 renewable for three more years at a four-year school. Criteria: plan to attend a NC four year school, moral character, financial need, scholarship, community service, extracurricular activities/work experience. Deadline Jan 22, 2025. Also a $1,000 award renewable for a second year at a community college, deadline is also Jan. 22, 2024 for this two year school opportunity.
Western North Carolina Regional Scholarships: Amt: $1,000 – 20,000. Criteria: permanent residence within one of 18 Western North Carolina counties, financial need, moral character, scholarship. Each high school can have one candidate for a $1,000 non-renewable scholarship, from this pool of applicants, CFWNC selects finalists for renewable scholarships ranging from $1,200 - $5,000 per year for four years. Deadline Jan. 22, 2025.
Captain John G. Gardner Memorial Scholarship: Amt.: one-time award of $1,000. Criteria: a relative of active duty military or a decorated veteran from Vietnam service. If you need assistance obtaining proof of this service contact the Veterans Administration by calling 1.800.827.1000. Additional essay required. Deadline Jan. 22, 2025.
Asheville Wilbert Vault Service Scholarship: Amt.: one-time award of $2,000. Criteria: Applicants must be planning to study funeral service. Deadline March 5, 2025.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #6 2023-2024
Community Foundation of Henderson County (CFHC) Scholarships: CFHC is an electronic application, there are no paper applications available. CFHC has over 100 scholarship opportunities and is now open. Because these scholarships are mainly for Henderson County students and include two/four-year school opportunities, all seniors should have a good look at the application. The deadline for submission of this application electronically is January 31, 2024, by 5 pm.
The first step is to create an account and then you will be able to log in to complete the application. Once your application is completed, the CFHC system will generate a scholarship match list and you can select all of the scholarships you want to apply for. Some of these opportunities require further information, you will receive a request for this additional information if you are eligible. It is very important that you do not use your email. Many of the CFHC opportunities are renewable and they want an email contact that will still be available after you graduate.
Completed applications include a personal essay, your Student Aid Report which is a copy of your completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and the option to have 1 or 2 letters of recommendation. You will indicate if this optional recommendation will be uploaded by you or you will link a teacher/recommender. We strongly encourage you to select link a recommender, so that this information can be submitted confidentially by your recommender(s).
Any documents that CFHC requests from you (transcripts/Student Aid Report from FAFSA), must be done in PDF format. Please email Ms. McKenzie or me if you need our help. There is still no firm opening date for the 2024-25 FAFSA, but this should be in early December. Completing the FAFSA so that you can access the Student Aid Report is required for this application to be complete.
There are no paper applications for CFHC available in the guidance office. This must be completed online. Computers are available in the guidance office and the library if you need them to help complete this application.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #7 2024-2025
FAFSA – The 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid is open. However, we still recommend you wait until December 1 to start. FAFSA
What you can do now
The student and at least one parent will each need to create a Federal Student Aid ID to access and submit your 2025-26 FAFSA form. These accounts can be created now at FSA Account
This is a helpful video on creating your Federal Student Aid ID.
One of the changes to the new FAFSA form is the fact that access to the student and parent portions of the form will be separate. The student must begin the form first. They must use their FSA ID to start the form. The student will be asked to supply at least one parent’s contact information which will include a valid email address. The parent will receive an email containing information about accessing and completing their portion. They will use their FSA ID to do this.
Filing a FAFSA form does not obligate parents to contribute to their child's education. Students who complete their FAFSA form will receive a Student Aid Index (SAI) which will determine their eligibility for Federal Pell Grants/Loans along with state Grants/Loans. The SAI used to be called the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and this change was made to make it clear that there is no parental obligation to contribute financially just by filing a FAFSA form.
A school’s Cost of Attendance minus the Student Aid Index will determine your financial need which will be used by schools to calculate your Financial Aid Award. Some universities also require the CSS Profile to be submitted prior to determining your Financial Aid Award. A complete list of schools that require the CSS Profile and access to the form is available Here
*Students and parents be aware that filing your FAFSA form is FREE. There are sites that offer to assist students with completing their FAFSA form for a fee. Do not pay any money to complete a FAFSA form and only use the federal site linked above when completing your FAFSA form.*
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #8 2024-2025
Bessie Noble and Willie Lou Jordan Scholarship Fund: Amt.: determined by the market value of the scholarship fund, last year’s award was $3,000. Criteria: demonstrated academic ability (2.5 gpa or higher), teacher recommendation, essay, and financial need (copy of parent’s federal tax form 1040 pages one and two only, and W2 forms for both parents if applicable). Application is available at CSA and due by January 20, 2025 (additional materials: teacher recommendation, transcript, activities resume, essay, and parents tax info must be RECEIVED by Jan. 20, 2025 as well). This opportunity can be applied for again when in college, one current senior or former graduate will receive this award.
Ione M. Allen Music Scholarship - open to residents of Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon, Swain, Jackson, Haywood, Transylvania, HENDERSON, Polk, Buncombe, or Madison County. Amt.: is a function of the market value of the scholarship fund each year, no information given on last years award. Scholarship is for one year but may be applied to again in the future. Criteria: musical aptitude, applicant must perform a 5-minute piece of music, academic achievement, financial need, letters of recommendation from a teacher, essay, and completed application. The application and complete instructions are available at CSA and due by January 20, 2025. This scholarship can be used in or out of state, recipient must be a music major enrolled full-time.
UNC Asheville - UNC Asheville guarantees full tuition and fees for qualified NC Residents. This opportunity applies to admitted students whose adjusted gross income is $80,000 or less. Further information is available Here
King Law Gives Back Scholarship - Amt.: one time award of $1,000, 3 awards for Western North Carolina and Upstate SC region. Criteria: high school senior who plans to continue their education, essay. Applications are available here and are due by March 31, 2025.
Fidelity Scholars Program - Amt: varies but designed to eliminate the need for loans. Criteria: 2.5-3.5 unweighted GPA, Pell Eligible and or demonstrate financial need, underrepresented and historically underserved students ages 16-24 and a NC resident. Application deadline is January 30, 2025. Visit Here for further information and access to the application.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #9 2024-25
Henderson County Education Foundation - All scholarship opportunities through The HCEF will be done online.
Students must go here first to view all of the scholarship opportunities. Once you know what scholarships you wish to apply for, go to scholarship instructions after reading the information hit the “click to apply” box toward the end of the page. HCEF has 14 different scholarship opportunities that HHS students can apply for. If you fit the required criteria there is no limit to how many of these 14 opportunities you can apply for.
Every student will need to first take an Eligibility Quiz to determine which scholarships you may be eligible for. Once you complete the Eligibility Quiz, click the “Submit Eligibility” button on the bottom right. Once your eligibility questions are complete, you can no longer change them. If you made an error or feel that you were incorrectly identified as not eligible please send an email to and your eligibility can be reviewed.
Last year, students were asked to upload their transcripts and report cards inside their HCEF application. Ms. Mckenzie and I can email you a PDF of your transcripts/report cards on request if this remains the same. Report cards will be available in early January
The application deadline is February 7, 2025 11:59 pm.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #10 2024-25
State Employee Credit Union’s “ People Helping People” Scholarship - Amt.: $2,500 per year for four years (total award of $10,000). Criteria: applicant must be a senior who has been admitted and plans to attend one of the 16 public universities in the state of North Carolina, student or parent must be a SECU member and provide proof on application , must be a resident of North Carolina, demonstrated leadership, excellence of character, integrity, community involvement, academic achievement (2.5 gpa or higher). Preference is to be given to students whose parent(s) are public sector employees (state, local and federal government, public health and public education), who have demonstrated need based on the FAFSA form and who plan to major in a public service degree program (such as Public Health , Public Education, Public Administration, Public Policy).
There will be four winners of this scholarship for Henderson County selected by our local LEA. Each of our six public high schools are able to send 2 finalists on to the LEA for this opportunity. All applications sent to LEA will be interviewed in early March.
Any seniors who are interested in this opportunity must complete this Google Form by January 21st. The HHS scholarship committee will select our two finalists, who will then be asked to complete the entire application for submission to the guidance department by Feb. 21, 2025.
AB Tech Scholarships - Amt.: up to $2,000. Criteria: must first complete an AB Tech application which can be done Here . After completing the application you can get information on how to apply Here . Complete the application before the start of April.
Blue Ridge Community College Scholarships - Amt.: varies. Students must first complete a BRCC application which can be done Here . After completing the application you can get information on how to apply for scholarships Here . There is not a specific deadline but I would complete this prior to late March.
Self Help Credit Union - Amt.: one time $1,000. Criteria: all students who plan to further their education after high school are eligible. Application does require a 300 word essay and is available at Self-Help SECU The application deadline is March 31, 2025.
Senior Scholarship Bulletin #11 2024-25
Glory Stack Memorial Scholarship - Amt.: renewable $4,500 for a total of $18,000. Criteria: Female, US Citizen, plan to attend a 4 year school and plan to be a STEM major (science, technology, engineering. math), practicing Christian. Application deadline is March 31, 2025 and requires an essay and two letters of recommendation. The application is available Here and further information is available Here This is a local opportunity and two students in Henderson County will get it!! Application material is returned to address on the information sheet or emailed to
Western North Carolina Quilters Guild Scholarship – Amt.: $1,000 and portable sewing machine. Criteria: resident of Henderson or Transylvania County, have an interest in quilting or sewing, and maintain a C average in high school. Applications are available Here and must be returned to WNC Quilters Guild address on the application by March 31, 2025. Any questions and application material can also be emailed directly to
Western North Carolina Communities Journey Scholarship – Amt.: Renewable $1,250 and $2,500 awards. Criteria: applicant must live in one of the following communities in Henderson County- Crab Creek, Edneyville, Mills River, Upper Hickory Nut Gorge, or Upward, unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher, good character, community service (outstanding contributions to school and community), extracurricular activities, financial need, and plan to attend a two or four year accredited school. Further information and an application link is available Here The application deadline is March 17, 2025.
North Carolina Alpha Delta Kappa - offers three one time awards of $2,000 and applications are due by March 1, 2025.
Eunice Riggins Memorial Scholarship 2025 Application
Mary Rose Mills - Linda Rankin Memorial Scholarship 2025 Application
The Clare Johnson Marley - Mary Earle Berger Fine Arts Scholarship 2025 Application
They also sponsor the North Carolina ADK Student Achievement Scholarship which is also for $2,000. The attached Flyer has further information and links to the application. This opportunity is due March 3, 2025.
Below are free national search engines for scholarships